Saturday, August 16, 2008

And history was made

Oh. My. God. I can't breathe. The American team just won gold in the men's medley relay and I don't think I took a single breath while Michael Phelps and Jason Lezak swam their legs. Jeez Louise. My heart is still racing. That was the most stressful 3 minutes ever. Well, maybe not ever. But that was almost too much for me to take.

Michael Phelps just made history, winning his eighth gold medal in a single Games, toppling Mark Spitz's seven golds record set in Munich back in 1972. That was amazing. It's moments like these, when I almost can't even watch because of how stressful it is (and that's just watching in my living room - this is why I'm not the Olympic swimmer...), when my heart is racing, when Michael Phelps is hugging Aaron Piersol and his mom is cheering on Jason Lezak and crying in the stands, that make me love sports.

And just wanted to add how much I love the Olympic Visa commercials with Morgan Freeman's narration. First, cuz I'm a sucker for sentimental crap. But also because, though they focus on American Olympians, the tag is "Go world." I think that sums up what makes the Olympics so special.

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